The misfortune of a J K Rowling/ Harry Potter effect …… and other articles about Western society
Articles on Psychology, Philosophy and Business

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We have published over 100 books of our own and now we are offering self-publishing to others for only £299
‘Amory Publishing’ offers an easy way for anyone to self-publish their books. The company has been in the business of publishing books for over a decade. We have published over 100 of our own books and are still going strong. Self-Publishing your book using our standard self-publishing service costs only £299 (if the book is in our ‘smallish book’ category – up to 25,000 words).
Our own books
We are a leading independent publisher, and the speciality of our own books (by our resident authors) is erotic stories and erotic fiction -Lads Lit, concentrating mainly on the “no pants” craze of the 2010s, during which time a very significant percentage of young women, who wore skirts or dresses, went knickerless, especially when they went pubbing and clubbing on a Friday and Saturday night. They were probably inspired by quite a lot of celebrities (e.g. actresses and pop divas) who were reported in the Press as doing this (going knickerless). Note that our books of erotic fiction are not extreme at all, in fact are “very tasteful”.
What can we say about these stories?
How about these comments?
They’re full of crumpet without their drawers on, who’ll give you a real good time.
If, for instance, you’re reading this stuff in a train (or other public place), you’ll be glad if your trousers aren’t too tight.
This Lads Lit will really turn you on – it’ll give you a real boner (every time).
The birds in these books are really hot, and they’ll make your temperature soar too.
Just make sure you don’t let the missus catch you reading these books – she, like Queen Vic (the original one) won’t be amused.
Will that do ya?
Nearly all our books of erotica are available on Kindle, for £2.99 or less. Go to the Erotica page for details.
We have also published books on business management, education, social studies, religion (irreligious), conversation skills, and mental health concerns. The company has also started to publish novellas on amazon kdp.
Branching out with other authors’ books now
Now we are branching out, offering to self-publish other authors’ books, and representing them on our pages, with a very wide range of subjects (almost any subject, in fact). We are looking for new stories to add to our collection. We are looking for non-fiction books too. Our goal is not only to help people tell their stories but also to make sure that they get a chance to be heard by the public.
‘Our standard self-publishing service for £299 applies if the book is under 25,000 words and (practically) print-ready. It includes formatting the book as an e-book and publishing it on Kindle. You keep the Copyright to your work and the full royalties that Amazon pay. If the book is over 25,000 words there is an excess charge. [For example, if the book is between 25,000 words and 50,000 words, the charge for the standard service is £399.]
An option is to have the book published as a print edition on Amazon as well. [A typical extra charge for doing this will be £200.]
If the book is not print-ready we offer services of cover design, typesetting and editing. Cover design and typesetting is done by our main designer Dragos Olar V. He has done the cover design and typesetting for practically all our own books, so if you look through the website, at our own books that we have for sale (and read some of the extracts), you will see the excellent quality of his work, both in cover design and typesetting. [The covers are mostly on the Shop page and the Erotica page; and the typesetting is mostly visible on this page (Homepage) and the Erotica page.]
We only deal in books written in English.
[Although UK based, we operate in all English-speaking countries, including the USA, Canada and Australia (and obviously the UK) and indeed worldwide – though we only get involved in books written in English.]
Getting print editions on Amazon and Ingram Spark involves using their POD (print-on-demand) service, and you can order books for your own use (e.g. for marketing purposes, to send to book reviewers, or to give/sell to family and friends) through them. But if you wish we have access to several printers and can order quantities from 10 to 1,000 or more. Ask us for a quote.
[However many of our services you make use of, we will show details of your book on our website at no extra cost.]
Please contact us here if you would like more information.
Download the first 25
pages of our newest releases for FREE!
Excerpt from:
Hampshire Journalism at the Cutting Edge
1) Why libraries (apart from reference libraries) are evil
How would Tesco (in the UK) or Walmart (in the USA) like it if the government opened a store in every city and town, offering the same things, but giving everything away free?
It is because of libraries that books are so ridiculously cheap.
It is because of libraries that most authors earn far less than the minimum wage (unless they have another job).

Excerpt from:
Being More Reasonable in Business
Article I
‘Social Care’
The ‘bosses’ in social care are always complaining on TV about their situation, but I want to bring a few anomalies to light.
My mother, while she was alive (until 2019) had 2 or 3 care workers a day visit her, either for 15 minutes or half hour appointments. Because she had some savings, she had to pay. I believe it was about £11 for a 15-minute appointment or about £17 for a half-hour appointment. The care workers told her they got paid only £2 for doing a 15-minute appointment (and I think £4 for a half hour appointment). Many of them didn’t have cars and had to walk between appointments. And they weren’t paid for this ‘walking time’.
Suppose the company had about 150 care workers on their books and about 10 ‘management staff’. This is what I’ve heard might be (approximately) the case for many of these firms. It can clearly be seen that the ‘management staff’ must be earning ...