Transforming ourselves from a two-author publishing firm to a many author publishing firm
We publish books of erotic fiction and on business and social topics. Amory Publishing has only really been going professionally since 2018, when we found a designer to design us a website, and produce professional covers for our books (though some of the writing was done earlier – see under ‘About the Author’).
It’ll be Legs 11, and you won’t be playing Bingo this time.
It’ll be like getting a hole in one, in golf – except this won’t be golf.
You’ll be reaching another level of consciousness.
There will be girls who don’t obey their mother’s instructions – “Keep ‘em together, luv, especially when you’re wearing skirts like that.”
Reading these books will be even better than watching a football match on Sky (Not ‘alf!)
We have books of erotic fiction, these are erotic stories, mostly celebrating the sans-culottes (no pants) craze of the 2010s. This is Lads Lit – the girls in these books will put you on Cloud 9, lads! We offer 5 books of erotica, and also 2 booklets (which are at a very cheap price). The short erotic story ‘Girls Bringing on the Revolution’ (31 pages) is available as a free download, on the Erotica page. Then we have 7 non-erotic titles. Go to the Shop page for these. They are on wide-ranging topics/ subjects, from business management to an irreligious book (‘The Antidote to Alpha Groups’), through to a book on conversation skills (‘Breaking the Ice’). Plus more.
The 1 st 25 pages of our two latest books – ‘Hampshire journalism at the cutting edge’, and “Being more reasonable in business” are available for free download – go to the Homepage for this. (We told you our books are on wide-ranging subjects!) Recently (in 2022) our website has had a complete re-vamp and the company is using social media to find more readers.
And we now have a blog too. This is currently on ‘How to publish a book in the UK’. This is being written by our main designer, Dragos Olar V. -
Full information about the service we offer to authors is given on the Homepage.
If you want to be one of our authors message us here.