"The World Belongs
to Those Who Read"
- Rick Holland
'To find out about our erotica books, go to the EROTICA page.
The ‘SHOP’ page is nearly all about our non-erotic books
The misfortune of a J K Rowling/ Harry Potter effect …… and other articles about Western society
Articles on Psychology, Philosophy and Business
‘Our jewel in the crown’ – which is our latest addition – 3 books in 1:
The thrust of the title article is that an unfortunate effect of the extreme popularity of the Harry Potter books and films was that quite a lot of young women (and some men) became involved in (real) witchcraft, to a greater or lesser extent.
A brief description of the book
There are articles on psychology, philosophy and business. It is a look at emotions, especially repressed or unconscious anger. (As regards business, it looks particularly at the ways many large corporations make all of us angry.)
Why I
Don't Get
Invited To
The book is in three sections. These three sections (or reasons) are:
1) I’m against the Me-Too Movement (this is ‘Men Fighting Back’)
2) I don’t like religion
3) My Entertainment is ‘Controversial’
The first section is an attack on the Me-Too movement in particular – and also some aspects of ‘Woke culture’.
For 7 or 8 years immediately before the Me-Too Movement started, we had the no-pants craze - and that’s what a considerable part of this section is about. This was much reduced by the Me-Too movement, and only now (in 2023) does it seem to be coming back. Not only that, but I believe our current ‘Cancel culture’ (which the author despises) got much worse. [The fashion connected with the Me-Too Movement appears to be women wearing Long-Johns under their skirts or dresses!]
The second section is a re-print of the author’s irreligious book ‘The Antidote to Alpha Groups’. [Alpha Groups are the main way most of the churches ‘evangelise’ (spread their message) these days.]
The third section consists of the first three articles of the author’s book ‘Mainly about conquering sexual repression’.
In some parts this book is quite rude, especially regarding the articles about the sans-culottes craze. We’d really prefer that you’d read at least one of our books of erotic fiction before ordering it. The book is priced at £10 (it is 70 A4 pages).
‘I suppose, regarding my ‘ordinary’ (non-erotic) books, I haven’t been the most prolific of authors. Really, I’ve tended to expend more of my energy on my erotic fiction books. I know a lot of you will be a bit ‘aghast’ at this – but there you are.
Not to put too finer point on it, concerning the 7 non-erotic books that are shown above, there is actually some over-lapping, which I just want to make you aware of,
Firstly, there are quite a few of the same articles in ‘The Antidote to Alpha Groups’ and ‘Insights from a person who’s ‘seen both sides’ – so please don’t buy both.
Secondly, ‘Being more reasonable in business’ and ‘Some ideas of a Leftie’ are virtually the same book – so again, please don’t buy both.’
There is just a little more ‘overlapping’, for instance my ‘Memoirs of being at Oxford University’ are in more than 1 book. But I’m not going to warn you against any more ‘combinations’. Instead, I’ll just say that if you come across some ‘overlapping’ when you order 2 or more books, tell us, and we’ll probably offer you a partial refund (of part of the money you’ve paid) – (this only applies to the books priced at £6)